“To the earth we commit our ideas, hence our products are made. Through the research and the naturalness, nature and passion, passion and professionality.“
By a lavender flower we realize a naturally good and naturally natural product.
An organic product, bio as the essential oil which we extract from our controlled plants, cared and picked by hand”
The selection and plantation process began in the main field, a village in the Morenic hills of the Garda Lake, Calcinato.
For our project we selected 10 among the 70 types of lavender.
The first 8 types, were chosen for the excellence reached in the production of the essential oil, extremely useful because of its therapeutic properties, used also in the kitchen and for the implementation of new products.
Thanks to their peculiar essence and colors, other two varieties were added in 2013: the white and the rose lavender.
Our plantations are totally bio, that means no pesticides nor chemical fertilizers are used, thus granting a natural and sane growth of the plants.
The lavender does not need any particular care to grow sane: the cleaning of the weeds among the rows and the control of the plants’ growth are enough.
The blooming, depending on the climatic conditions, normally starts at the end of May, while the harvest time takes place at about the middle of July. Both the cutting and the harvest of the flowers are totally made by hand, without machinery and /or chemical substances.
The plantations of our lavender are characterized by intensive blooming and are very scented. Even the stalks are scented.
They require:
- Sun exposure if planted in the soil, or half a day exposure in the pot or in flower vase
- Watering when needed and moderately (no stagnation is imperative)
- Poor even though well drained soil
Our activity starts in 2009 with a main simple medical plant: the lavender.
In our specialized nurseries, with the support of experts and valid collaborators, we have selected 10 types of lavender which distinguish from one another for their characteristics such as the color, the leaves and the scents.
It develops 40/50 cm. The blooms are of a deep violet-blue. It resists to drought on well drained soils and sunny positions. It needs full sun during almost the whole day. Watering every so often and moderately.
Semi-woody plant, solid and early blue colored blooming. This needs well drained, sunny positioned soils, watering when needed. It must be lopped after blooming and tidy kept.
It develops until one-meter height. The flowers grow on the long spike whose length can reach 6 cm and are very scented and violet. It grows on stony soils, until 800 meters height. When exposed in the sun, it fears the stagnant waters.
It develops until one-meter height. The blooms are very scented and of a light blue violet color. The leaves edges are fretted and woody. It grows on stony soils, until 800 meters height. It needs sunny exposure and fears the stagnant waters.
It has a compact development and reaches 40/50 cm. The flowers are very scented and rose. Drought resistant, to be moderately and periodically watered. It needs full sunny exposure.
It has a very intense development and reaches 60/80 cm. The flowers are white with blue nuances. It needs and wants well drained soils and sunny positions, to water if needed. It must be lopped after blooming to keep a regular shape.
It develops 40 cm. The blooms are compact and violet, from time to time bright and gathered in one single pike measuring 3/5 cm. It needs a dried even though well drained soil with good sun exposure, to water when needed.
It develops until 60/70 cm height. The flowers are plentiful, much scented and of a mauve blue. It needs a dry but well drained soil with good sun exposure, to water if needed.
It develops until 70 cm height, plentiful of flowers, much scented and of an intense violet. It well resists to the different temperatures, requires a dry and well-drained soil, with good sun exposure, to water when needed.
It develops until one-meter height. The flowers are very scented light violet. The leaves edges are fretted and woody. It grows on stony soils, until 800 meters height. It needs sunny exposure and fears the stagnant waters